Using the Microsoft LUIS service to build a model to understand natural language input

LUIS, the Language Understanding Intelligence Service, is a part of Microsoft’s Cognitive Services suite.  If you are reading this and you don’t yet have a clear understanding of what Cognitive Services are, head over and read my introduction to Cognitive Services before you continue.

During this post I will introduce you to what the LUIS service is and show you how to build a model to aid in natural language understanding in your applications.

Update: I have now published a quick video overview of LUIS including how to create your first model.  Read More

Bot Framework Typing Activity – Let users know your bot is responding (and know when they are too)

In the recent major update to the Microsoft Bot Framework (v3), a new type of Activity was introduced, a Typing activity.  This Activity type sites along side others, such as Message activity which is the most commonly used activity to represent most communications between a bot and a user.

So, what is the Typing activity for and how do you use it? Read More

Creating your first bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework – Part 2 – publishing and chatting through Skype

In the previous post of this 2 part tutorial, I demonstrated how you could build a bot using the Bot Framework and the included Bot Application template.  I also went through testing the bot locally using the Bot Framework Channel Emulator.  So, if you haven’t already got a bot working locally ready to publish then check out Creating your first bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework – Part 2 – build and test locally.

In this post I am going to show you how you can register your bot in the Bot Framework Portal, publish it to Azure and then talk with it through Skype. Very cool stuff. Read More

Create Bota Application

Creating your first bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework – Part 1 – Build and test locally

In my last post, I provided a high level introduction to the Microsoft Bot Framework and the main constituent parts that make up the framework.  If you don’t yet know what the Bot Framework is, or you need a quick refresher, then you should check out that post.

Today though, I am going to show you how you can create your first bot using .NET / C#.  By the end of this post you will have a simple bot running and will be able to test it locally using the Bot Framework Channel Emulator, an excellent tool provided for testing your bots.  Read More