I have created a short video introduction to LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligence Service), part of the Microsoft Cognitive Services suite. You can also find my written walk through on getting started with LUIS here and find out how to integrate it with a bot here.
Is there any way in LUIS where i can give mandatory words to hit the intent?
for example: i have entity like- 1) target area: [face,my face,neck,forehead]
2)product category:[moisturizer,toner,cleanser]
Intent name- ste1
utterance- do you have moisturizer?
Intent name- ste2
utterance- do you have moisturizer for my face?
user input- “do you have moisturizer for my bla bla(any random letters)”- As here “moisturizer” is present but “face” is not! This should also hit none intent but its hitting to ste1 intent because “do you have moisturizer?” is completely present in ste1.
I want to validate that my these two words(moisturizer, face) should mandate to hit the ste2 intent otherwise i want it to hit none intent.